What’s new in 0.1.0 (28th of January 2023)#

This is the initial version of m_n_kappa.


As this is the initial version of m_n_kappa the implemented features are shown hereafter. Further version will refer to this in case of changes


See also Creating Geometries

Basic geometries#

Composed geometries#


See also Creating materials

Newly created materials must inherit from Material


see also Build a section

  • combination of material and geometry

  • Section


see also Build a cross-section

Computation of a Moment-Curvature-Point#

Computing a single moment-curvature-point by applying a strain and a vertical position the strain is located. See also Moment-Curvature.

Computing a Moment-Curvature-Curve#

Computing the moment-curvature-curve of a Crosssection. See also Moment-Curvature-Curve

Computing deformation of a single span beam#

See also Deformation.

Beam considers:

  • number of elements the beam is split into

  • the effective width for concrete slab distinguishing between bending and membran width

  • two different loading scenarios:



Comprehensive documentation with following main sections:

Also documented are: