Creating Geometries#
By the following sections you learn how to create your own geometries and what you have to consider while creating it.
Directions and coordinates#
In cartesian coordinates the span direction is denoted as X-axis.
Y- and Z-axis are the cross-sectional plane. Where the Y-axis is the horizontal axis and the Z-axis describes the vertical axis. The Z-axis is defined in reverse order, meaning from top to bottom. Therefore, a higher value means a point at lower level.
See also
Coordinates : Coordinates in the Theory guide
Following descriptions apply universally:
top_edge: distance between origin and top-edge of the geometric entity in vertical direction
bottom_edge: distance between origin and bottom-edge of the geometric entity in vertical direction
left_edge: distance between origin and left edge of the geometric entity in horizontal direction
right_edge: distance between origin and right edge of the geometric entity in horizontal direction
centroid_y: distance between origin and centroid of the geometry in horizontal direction
centroid_z: distance between origin and centroid of the geometry in vertical direction
The basics: Rectangle, Trapezoid and Circles#
, Trapezoid
and Circle
are available as basic geometric entities
for creating individual geometries.
Rectangle and Trapezoid#
Rectangle dimensions#
For a Rectangle
as well as a Trapezoid
always the top_edge
and the bottom_edge
need to be defined.
The width and the horizontal positioning in Y-direction may be defined in
several ways.
All of the following are the same in size and position.
>>> from m_n_kappa import Rectangle
>>> rectangle_1 = Rectangle(
... top_edge=0.0, bottom_edge = 10.0, width=10.0, left_edge=-5.0)
>>> rectangle_2 = Rectangle(
... top_edge=0.0, bottom_edge = 10.0, width=10.0, right_edge=5.0)
>>> rectangle_3 = Rectangle(
... top_edge=0.0, bottom_edge = 10.0, left_edge=-5.0, right_edge=5.0)
>>> rectangle_4 = Rectangle(
... top_edge=0.0, bottom_edge = 0.0, width=10.0)
Trapezoid dimensions#
Defining the width
and the horizontal position of a
is similar to the definition of
a Rectangle.
But the definition must be conducted for the top_edge
as well as for the bottom_edge
>>> from m_n_kappa import Trapezoid
>>> trapezoid_1 = Trapezoid(
... top_edge=0, bottom_edge=10, top_width=10, bottom_width=20)
>>> trapezoid_2 = Trapezoid(
... top_edge=0, bottom_edge=10, top_width=10, bottom_width=20,
... bottom_left_edge=-10)
>>> trapezoid_3 = Trapezoid(
... top_edge=0, bottom_edge=10, top_width=10, bottom_width=20,
... bottom_right_edge=10)
>>> trapezoid_4 = Trapezoid(
... top_edge=0, bottom_edge=10, top_width=10, bottom_left_edge=-10,
... bottom_right_edge=10)
The Circle#
A m_n_kappa.Circle
is created by passing the horizontal and
the vertical (Z) position of the centroid as well as its diameter.
Circle dimensions#
>>> from m_n_kappa import Circle
>>> circle = Circle(diameter=10, centroid_y=10, centroid_z=10)
The diameter of circle must be small compared to the other dimensions of the cross-section. Otherwise large deviations are possible.
Final notes on Rectangle & Co.#
In a further step you will merge a single Rectangle
or Circle
with a
This will create a Section
, what you will learn
in Build a section
Of course, you can add geometries up, creating a ComposedGeometry
This is particularly useful if these geometries are of the same material.
Merging a ComposedGeometry
with a material creates
a cross-section (see Build a cross-section)
The shortcut: predefined composed geometries#
Some geometries that consist of a number of basic geometries
may be used often, like I-profiles, UPE-profiles or rebar-layers.
Building these geometries may be tedious and time-consuming.
Therefore, these geometries are provided as extra classes, like
, UPEProfile
The IProfile
consist in general of a top-flange,
a web and a bottom-flange.
All of the above mentioned elements are defined as Rectangle
If needed only a fraction of these elements is used as the Figure above shows.
I-Profile dimensions#
>>> from m_n_kappa import IProfile
>>> i_profile_1 = IProfile(
... top_edge=0., t_fo=15.5, b_fo=200.0, t_w=9.5, h_w=169.0)
>>> i_profile_no_topflange = IProfile(
... top_edge=0., t_fu=15.5, b_fu=200.0, t_w=9.5, h_w=169.0,
... has_top_flange=False
... )
>>> i_profile_no_bottomflange = IProfile(
... top_edge=0., t_fo=15.5, b_fo=200.0, t_w=9.5, h_w=169.0,
... has_bottom_flange=False
... )
>>> i_profile_shift10 = IProfile(
... top_edge=0., t_fo=15.5, b_fo=200.0, t_w=9.5, h_w=169.0,
... centroid_y=10.) # the I-Profile is shifted 10 mm to the right
The UPE-profile forms a flipped U.
The two flanges and the web are each an individual Rectangle
UPE-Profile dimensions#
>>> from m_n_kappa import UPEProfile
>>> upe_profile = UPEProfile(top_edge=10, t_f=5.2, b_f=76, t_w=9.0, h=200)
>>> upe_profile = UPEProfile(top_edge=10, t_f=5.2, b_f=76, t_w=9.0, h_w=200-2*5.2)
>>> upe_profile_shift10 = UPEProfile(top_edge=10, t_f=5.2, b_f=76, t_w=9.0, h=200, centroid_y=10)
A number of rebars at the same level may be defined using a for-loop.
What might be tedious.
As alternative to the for-loop the RebarLayer
has been implemented simplifying
this process dramatically.
creates a specified number of rebars with a specific horizontal
distance between each other.
Or if you pass the number and the overall width it computes the horizontal distance by itself.
Rebar-Layer - dimensions#
>>> from m_n_kappa import RebarLayer
>>> rebar_layer_1 = RebarLayer(
... rebar_diameter=12.0, centroid_z=10.0, rebar_number=10, rebar_horizontal_distance=100)
>>> rebar_layer_2 = RebarLayer(
... rebar_diameter=12.0, centroid_z=10.0, width=1000, rebar_horizontal_distance=100)
>>> rebar_layer_3 = RebarLayer(
... rebar_diameter=12.0, centroid_z=10.0, rebar_number=10, width=1000)
Do you have another idea or need for a predefined composed geometry, then consider Contributing or open a new issue describing your idea.