Build a cross-section#

You can imagine a cross-section to be build of a number of Section. Each Section is constructed by a Geometry and a Material.


Structure of a cross-section#

If you want to create a cross-section in m_n_kappa you create first at least one Section.

>>> from m_n_kappa import Concrete, Steel, Rectangle
>>> concrete = Concrete(f_cm=35.0)
>>> concrete_geometry_1 = Rectangle(
...     top_edge=0.0, bottom_edge=10.0, width=10.0, left_edge=-10.0)
>>> concrete_section_1 = concrete + concrete_geometry_1
>>> steel = Steel()
>>> steel_geometry = Rectangle(
...     top_edge=10.0, bottom_edge=20.0, width=10.0)
>>> steel_section = steel + steel_geometry

An then the cross-section is created as follows.

>>> cross_section_1 = steel_section + concrete_section_1
>>> cross_section_1

Or you you use Crosssection as an import from m_n_kappa.

>>> from m_n_kappa import Crosssection
>>> sections_list = [steel_section, concrete_section_1]
>>> cross_section_2 = Crosssection(sections=sections_list)
>>> cross_section_2

Both procedures lead to a similar result.

>>> cross_section_1 == cross_section_2

If you have a predefined ComposedGeometry, like IProfile, UPEProfile or RebarLayer it is done similarly.

>>> from m_n_kappa import IProfile
>>> i_profile = IProfile(top_edge=0.0, b_fo=200, t_fo=15, h_w=200-2*15, t_w=9.5)
>>> cross_section_3 = i_profile + steel
>>> cross_section_3

See also

Templates: here you can find a variety of templates for characteristic cross-sections

The cross-section forms the basis for all further operations, like computation of a single moment-curvature-point, Moment-Curvature-Curve or the deformation of a beam.