Single span slim-floor beam with \(M\)-\(\kappa\)-Curve#

Units: Millimeter [mm], Newton [N]


The slim-floor beam in this example consists of a UPE 200 steel-profile welded onto a Bottom-flange. The created steel-beam is integrated into a Concrete slab. Within in the Concrete slab also some Reinforcement-Layers are integrated. Geometry- and material-values are defined hereafter and build later on to a cross-section.



The bottom-flange is an ordinary rectangle and located at the bottom-edge of the concrete slab. It has a thickness \(t_\mathrm{f}\) = 10 mm and a width \(b_\mathrm{f}\) = 400 mm. The corresponding geometry is defined as Rectangle:

from m_n_kappa import Rectangle
plate_geometry = Rectangle(top_edge=220.0, bottom_edge=220.0+10., width=400.0)

The material of the bottom-flange is steel with following characteristic material values:

  • Yield-strength: \(f_\mathrm{y}\) = 313 N/mm²

  • Tensile-strength: \(f_\mathrm{u}\) = 460 N/mm²

  • Tensile-strain: \(\varepsilon_\mathrm{u}\) = 15 %

Using these values the corresponding material may be defined using Steel:

from m_n_kappa import Steel
bottom_flange_material = Steel(f_y=313, f_u=460, failure_strain=0.15)

The modulus of elasticity is assumed to be \(E_\mathrm{a}\) = 210000 N/mm². The strain at yielding may be derived by \(\varepsilon_\mathrm{y} = f_\mathrm{y} / E_\mathrm{a}\). This is applied automatically by the Steel. Changes to the modulus of elasticity may be applied by passing the corresponding argument to the Steel (E_a).

A Section of the bottom-flange is created by simply adding plate_geometry and bottom_flange_material to each other:

bottom_flange = plate_geometry + bottom_flange_material

UPE 200#

The m-n-kappa-package provides the UPEProfile to create an UPE 200 profile easily. The top_edge must be computed accordingly:

from m_n_kappa import UPEProfile
upe200_geometry = UPEProfile(top_edge=144, t_f=5.2, b_f=76, t_w=9.0, h=200)

UPEProfile is derived from the ComposedGeometry. Therefore, it consists of a set of basic geometry-instances (e.g. several Rectangle):

    [Rectangle(top_edge=144.00, bottom_edge=220.00, width=5.20, left_edge=-100.00, right_edge=-94.80), Rectangle(top_edge=144.00, bottom_edge=153.00, width=189.60, left_edge=-94.80, right_edge=94.80), Rectangle(top_edge=144.00, bottom_edge=220.00, width=5.20, left_edge=94.80, right_edge=100.00)]

The material of the UPE-profile is also created using Steel analogous to the creation of the material for the Bottom-flange:

from m_n_kappa import Steel
upe200_material = Steel(f_y=293, f_u=443, failure_strain=0.15)

Geometry and material are merged easily to a Crosssection by addition:

upe200 = upe200_geometry + upe200_material

Concrete slab#

The concrete-slab composes of three Rectangle-instances to consider the integrated steel-profile:

concrete_left = Rectangle(top_edge=0.00, bottom_edge=220.00, width=1650.00, left_edge=-1750.00, right_edge=-100.00)
concrete_middle = Rectangle(top_edge=0.00, bottom_edge=144.00, width=200.00, left_edge=-100.00, right_edge=100.00)
concrete_right = Rectangle(top_edge=0.00, bottom_edge=220.00, width=1650.00, left_edge=100.00, right_edge=1750.00)
concrete_geometry = concrete_left + concrete_middle + concrete_right

The material-behaviour of the concrete slab is considered by the Concrete-instance as follows:

from m_n_kappa import Concrete
concrete_material = Concrete(
   tension_stress_strain_type='consider opening behaviour'

The full concrete cross-section may be created by adding the material to the created concrete-slab geometries:

concrete_slab = concrete_geometry + concrete_material


Reinforcement-bars may be created by Circle-class. The simplify this process RebarLayer may be used as follows, creating a set of reinforcement-bar cross-sections:

from m_n_kappa import RebarLayer
rebar_top_layer_geometry = RebarLayer(rebar_diameter=12., centroid_z=10.0, width=3500, rebar_horizontal_distance=100.)
rebar_bottom_layer_left_geometry = RebarLayer(
        rebar_diameter=10., centroid_z=220-10, width=1650.0, rebar_horizontal_distance=100., left_edge=-1740.,
rebar_bottom_layer_right_geometry = RebarLayer(
        rebar_diameter=10., centroid_z=220-10, width=1650.0, rebar_horizontal_distance=100., right_edge=1740.,

The bottom-reinforcement-layer must be split into two layers to consider the recess in the concrete-slab due to the UPE-steel profile.

The material-behaviour of the reinforcement Reinforcement derives from the Steel-class:

from m_n_kappa import Reinforcement
rebar10_material = Reinforcement(f_s=594, f_su=685, failure_strain=0.25, E_s=200000)
rebar12_material = Reinforcement(f_s=558, f_su=643, failure_strain=0.25, E_s=200000)

For combination of Geometry and Material both instance only need to be added to each other. By adding the resulting Section instance to each other a Crosssection of rebars is created:

rebar_top_layer = rebar_top_layer_geometry + rebar12_material
rebar_bottom_layer_left = rebar_bottom_layer_left_geometry + rebar10_material
rebar_bottom_layer_right = rebar_bottom_layer_right_geometry + rebar10_material
rebar_layer = rebar_top_layer + rebar_bottom_layer_left + rebar_bottom_layer_right

Building the cross-section#

The overall Crosssection is created by adding all parts together:

cross_section = bottom_flange + upe200 + concrete_slab + rebar_layer


The loading of the beam is considered by SingleSpan-class. The SingleSpan-class accepts either a uniform load or a list of SingleLoad. The uniform_load-argument accepts a float that describes a line-load that is applied uniformly over the length of the girder. The SingleLoad-class represents a single load applied at a specific position along the beam:

from m_n_kappa import SingleLoad, SingleSpan
single_load_left = SingleLoad(position_in_beam=1375., value=1.0)
single_load_right = SingleLoad(position_in_beam=1375. + 1250., value=1.0)
loading = SingleSpan(length=4000.0, uniform_load=None, loads=[single_load_left, single_load_right])



For computation of its reaction behaviour in form of moment-curvature-curves (\(M\)-\(\kappa\)) along the beam the Beam-class is provided.

At initialization the Beam-class does following things:

  1. split beam into elements along the length

  2. create a Node between these elements

3. compute load-steps by determination of the decisive Node and its \(M\)-\(\kappa\)-curve

In Considering geometrical widths the \(M\)-\(\kappa\)-curves are computed neglecting the effective widths of the computation. Whereas in Considering effective widths effective widths are considered considering the bending and membran effective widths.

Considering geometrical widths#

Considering geometrical widths and neglecting effective widths are accomplished by setting consider_widths=False. Geometrical widths are in any case greater than the effective widths.

from m_n_kappa import Beam

beam_geometrical_widths = Beam(

Considering effective widths#

The effective widths of the concrete slab are taken into account during computation by passing consider_widths=True.

beam_effective_widths = Beam(

The following graph shows how the effective widths are considered.

import pandas as pd
import altair as alt

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'positions': beam_effective_widths.positions,
    'bending': beam_effective_widths.bending_widths(),
    'membran': beam_effective_widths.membran_widths(),

df_melt = df.melt(id_vars=['positions'], value_vars=['bending', 'membran'],
                  var_name='width_type', value_name='width')

alt.Chart(df_melt, height=100.0, background='#00000000').mark_line().encode(
   x=alt.X('positions', title='Position along the beam [mm]'),
   y=alt.Y('width', title='Width [mm]'),
).configure_legend(labelColor='#979797', titleColor='#979797')



An instance of the Beam-class allows several analyses of the resistance behaviour of the computed composite beam.

Load-deformation-curve at point of maximum deformation#

The load-bearing behaviour of beams is often characterised by the load-deformation-curve at the point of maximum deformation under the given loading. deformations_at_maximum_deformation_position() returns the deformations for the decisive load-steps at this point:

beam_deformations_geometrical_widths = beam_geometrical_widths.deformations_at_maximum_deformation_position()
beam_deformations_effective_widths = beam_effective_widths.deformations_at_maximum_deformation_position()

The resulting deformations may be visualized as follows. Considering the effective width leads smaller maximum resistance as well as smaller deformation-capacity.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'deformation': (beam_deformations_geometrical_widths.values() +
    'loadings': (beam_deformations_geometrical_widths.loadings(factor=0.001) +
    'Width type': (['Geometrical width']*len(beam_deformations_geometrical_widths.loadings()) +
             ["Effective width"]*len(beam_deformations_effective_widths.loadings())),

alt.Chart(df, background='#00000000').mark_line().encode(
    x=alt.X('deformation', title='Deformation [mm]'),
    y=alt.Y('loadings', title='Loading [kN]'),
    color='Width type',
).configure_legend(labelColor='#979797', titleColor='#979797')